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Find Your Power – Male :60


A male Lakota announcer delivers the essential Find Your Power brand’s pledge and promise. Strong, serious tone.

[Male Lakota announcer:] We know what commercial tobacco is doing to us.

We know their tobacco is not our tobacco.

We know many of us are addicted, and are helping each other stay addicted instead of helping each other quit.

Those of us who have quit, have found our strength and our power in each other.

We find it in our children, in our wise elders, in our brothers and sisters.

We are the power.

Our families are sacred.

Together, we are strong.

Together, we can fight addiction and find the power to stop.

Reach out, find the people in your community who will stand with you to end this addiction.

[Male announcer:] For more support, visit us at and call the QuitLine at 1 866 SD QUITS. Thatʼs 1 866 S D Q U I T S.